Mechanista in G – DTM-700D EsperansaMechanista in G – DTM-700D Esperansa
I’m certainly used to women being mistreated and misused in Gundam, but Ennil stings because it feels like there was no reason this had to happen! I’m not saying the
I’m certainly used to women being mistreated and misused in Gundam, but Ennil stings because it feels like there was no reason this had to happen! I’m not saying the
The Space Between shook her head. It was a shame that that… “influencer” was unwilling to sell. Despite what she’d told them, in truth Between found it depressing to see
Both sides are claiming victory this episode, as Allen declares that clearly, the events of this ep prove that Elan is a villain, while Six declares that obviously, the events
You should be able to click a button on the Épée and access Blitz Shield
You know what I want to see? In some SD Gundam thing, someone should summon and wish on the Doggorla like it’s Shenron. I think that would be a really
A shocking update from 1999: Pierce Brosnan is really, really hot. I know, the list of men Six has a crush on is short, it’s like Pierce Brosnan and Richter
Another week, another false cliffhanger instantly resolved. We’re fully in School Drama mode this ep, as we deal with tests, retakes, bullying, and… sci fi bigotry? Oh boy. At least
In her escape pod, Signal Static stewed. The other pilots had been worthless- less than worthless. They fought like fools, talked like idiots, and if Signal managed to make her
Interview with Emi Lo
Interview with Tiffany Grant