Gimmick Awards 2024 – Game of the Year PodcastGimmick Awards 2024 – Game of the Year Podcast
Here we are, folks. Game of the Year- the capper to the Gimmick Awards. We’ve said a lot over the course of this month, so no big preamble: I’ll let
Here we are, folks. Game of the Year- the capper to the Gimmick Awards. We’ve said a lot over the course of this month, so no big preamble: I’ll let
Truly high quality design is timeless… but that doesn’t mean it’s AGEless. Mobile Suit Gundam AGE is a widely reviled entry in the beloved series, and while I’m not here to
Games. Turns out, you tend to play them. In years past, we have often tried to talk about the elegance of particular systems and mechanics before, but we never had
Our second Super Hero’d saga begins! Boy, it is inconvenient that Dragon Ball Super, Super Dragon Ball Heroes, and Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero are all distinct and relevant entries
You know, despite our ambitions of being a gaming coverage site, we talk about a lot of anime. Our most frequent and consistent shows are about anime and manga, so
…And here are the Instrumental songs, which is to say, the ones that aren’t lyrically focused- the human voice is still allowed as an instrument! The Nominees Are:Objection! 2011 (Ace
God, it’s been so long. How does this go again? “They put out a huge patch for Dota 2 and we talked about it for over two hours.” God, the
The road to Opelucid City is paved with good intentions. And stones. And gravel. And clay! And grass. And sand. And interrupting legendaries (plural). And… well look, it’s a long
Music is a weird category for us, or rather pair of categories thanks to it being split in twain. We aren’t music crits, and we don’t cover the music industry