Bottle Crow Episode 18 – Second Person FanficBottle Crow Episode 18 – Second Person Fanfic
No, seriously. A second person fanfic. I knew from the moment I heard that, that I would not like what I was going to hear. It could have been worse?
No, seriously. A second person fanfic. I knew from the moment I heard that, that I would not like what I was going to hear. It could have been worse?
Our Game of the Generation discussion rages on, and eventually concludes. From our original sixty-six, we do, eventually, manage to make one winner, and nine runners up. Johnny swears, Jen
The Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Wii are all wrapped and done. Sure, a few triple A games will still release on those platforms in addition to their more capable
How about that Mineski, huh?! It’s weird, I write these descriptions right before I post the podcast, so it’s been a few days since we recorded. Our predictions for the
I really think this might be the most painful Fanfiction Corner yet. Certainly, it was a test of will for me to survive it. I love the enthusiasm, I love
This week, a bonus episode for you! This podcast isn’t about League of Legends, but they’ve done something interesting enough to get our attention. Colin and old host Johnny bring
So much stuff happened on Friday! Na’vi breaking up, a new compendium chest… well, I guess that’s it. Still, it’s more than enough to make the fact that we recorded
Generally, reviews are handled by one person around here, and they get up a written review. For the cyberpunk adventure game Read Only Memories, that was to be Jen, and
This week, hot on the heels of 6.85, we record the first ever Bottle Crow with our hosts in the same room! Turns out this leads to more sass and
Patch 6.85 is here! Johnny is here! Batrider didn’t get buffed enough! Gosh, it’s a real blast from the past on this special patch notes episode of Bottle Crow. Somehow,