Bald Gun Guy Podcast Episode 14 – Haven IslandBald Gun Guy Podcast Episode 14 – Haven Island
Truly, a great game is ending on a bit of a whimper. So much life has gotten in the way of recording this ep, and it would be great to
Truly, a great game is ending on a bit of a whimper. So much life has gotten in the way of recording this ep, and it would be great to
At the end of the last cour, Allen and I (Six) talked about whether we wanted to come back and cover the second cour episode by episode, like we did
The first of two solo sessions, this one focusing on Scully Booker as the last few months of reckless abandon encounter something resembling consequences. Giving our crew a little time
You know with all the podcasts we put out, it’s amazing we find time to do much else. But luckily we find time to relax occasionally. Six took some time
While a success by a literal definition of the terms of the job, the latest mission has found Scully and Myre in hot water. Well, Myre’s laid up, so technically
Aka Dota 3-3. Once again, Dota has undergone tectonic shifts- kinda literally this time, judging by the teaser. Also, like. In that video, the Ancients were destroyed?! Is this LITERALLY
Sometimes, you don’t wanna be reasonable. You just want… more beams. More guns. Mittens, that are also beams. Chest vents that haha gotcha, those aren’t chest vents they’re beaaaaaams! The
It’s time to start the big job. Myre sets out to scout in preparation, and gets herself in a whole damn mess that Scully has to bust her out of.
I’m BACK! And I’m not taking Nick’s garbage lack of prep lying down, I’m here to right the scales! I did forget to eat those Peeps though. That’s on me.
So the Gundam Wiki- hey yeah complaining about the Gundam Wiki again, welcome- the Gundam Wiki says that the Virgo zodiac sign means “Virgin.” Wait, I mean that part’s just