Bottle Crow Reborn Episode 174 – Dis or DatBottle Crow Reborn Episode 174 – Dis or Dat
I’m BACK! And I’m not taking Nick’s garbage lack of prep lying down, I’m here to right the scales! I did forget to eat those Peeps though. That’s on me.
I’m BACK! And I’m not taking Nick’s garbage lack of prep lying down, I’m here to right the scales! I did forget to eat those Peeps though. That’s on me.
So the Gundam Wiki- hey yeah complaining about the Gundam Wiki again, welcome- the Gundam Wiki says that the Virgo zodiac sign means “Virgin.” Wait, I mean that part’s just
Weird Fish Hour! We’re back with more Scarlet & Violet Pokemon designs, and you know? They kinda went for it on this set! In weal and in woe, they went
A little time off may have been a relief to our players, but it’s been more stressful for our characters than restful. Unrewarding work, bills, recovery from injuries. Perhaps it
This is the one, right? This is why we’re all here. I love Nightfire, I’ll go to bat for Agent Under Fire, but it’s the Rare-made Goldeneye 007 on Nintendo
If I have one nice thing to say about the Seed sequel movie they keep threatening us with, it’s that I wouldn’t mind seeing a successor to the Destiny Gundam.
Belts, as you know, are the most important meal of the day. You get up every morning, and say, “I love my pants, but I just wish I had control
Our messy bank heist winds to a close. Trapped in a bank vault with a gatling gun pinning them down, it’s time to get resourceful and creative. Fortunately, they’re not
You’d think these people would have something in common, anything. But I cannot for the life of me find the connection. Regardless, the assassin has a petal, and I can’t
Man, do these guys ever Virtual-OFF?! With another Monophonic request, we’re now firmly in Segata Sanshiro’s grasp as we head into the arena-fighting world of Virtual-On with its Ryu, its