Year in Review: All We Made in 2024Year in Review: All We Made in 2024
When you put out as much work as we do, it can be really easy to lose track of it, both as a creator and as a listener. Making this
When you put out as much work as we do, it can be really easy to lose track of it, both as a creator and as a listener. Making this
You’d be forgiven if you assumed Scanline Media was made by more then just three people, given our output. Well, that’s not quite true. Scanline Media is built by more
It’s time for the curtain to fall on Monster Hunter Rise. Six, Allen, Minovsky, and Crass assemble one more time to finish up the new monsters of Monster Hunter Rise.
As we start the latest Monster Hunter, our group of three becomes temporarily a four! The internet’s Crasspants, or Crass if you’re feeling… nasty? joins the crew for this one,
Non-Gundam Time fun continues, as we’re joined by Crasspants to talk about the Armored Troopers of VOTOMS! Ok, not all of them. Just the Scopedog. But, y’all… they made FIFTY
The internet’s favorite queer toku podcast (unverified claim) returns! Returners from episode 01 Six and Crass are joined by Abnormal Mapping’s Em for a conversation on why tokusatsu should be
it’s cuz you be strugglin in that database. Over the last handful of months, Six was converted to the gospel of Kamen Rider through watching Kamen Rider Build. Now, they’re