Gimmick Awards 2018 Part 5 – Best Old GameGimmick Awards 2018 Part 5 – Best Old Game
Sometimes, it’s not enough to just look at the present, or even what’s on the horizon. Sometimes you need to reach into the past, and grab relics thereof to bring
Sometimes, it’s not enough to just look at the present, or even what’s on the horizon. Sometimes you need to reach into the past, and grab relics thereof to bring
Here at Scanline Media, we’re big fans of fighting games. As it turns out, our feelings on them are so strong, one GotY category isn’t enough! Kyrie Page joins us
Nick joins Jen and Six for a discussion of the Most Disappointing Games of 2018 in this episode of the Gimmick Awards. There are some very strong nominees, everyone has
This month, Bear and Six sit down to talk about VS Puzzle Games, which share a lot with fighting games. We particularly focus on Magical Drop III and Money Puzzle
The 2018 Gimmick Awards continue, and for our first year ever, we’re talking about more than just games! Oops All Anime was a huge part of Scanline Media in 2018,
The business world is a dangerous one. Competition is fierce, and everyone’s out for themselves. But who knows? If you play your cards right, you might even make a killing…
The 2018 Gimmick Awards have begun! We kicked off with Ryan and Allen’s year in music, and now we’re here with the awards themselves! Six, Jen, and Harri assemble for
Our Game of the Year podcasts for 2018, the Gimmick Awards, begin now! We’re opening with a guest podcast by friends Ryan and Allen! Ryan and Allen take a trip