Sometimes, to build a better future, you have to tear some things down. Also to build a worse future! Turns out, tearing things down is not an absolute moral good. Nor is building! But I didn’t come here to lecture you on random ethics. I came to tell you about cool bulldozers, and how they’re all technically tractors I guess!
You can find a video version of this podcast for free on Scanline Media’s Patreon!
If you want to find us on Twitter, Dylan is @lowpolyrobot and Six is @sixdettmar. Our opening theme is the Hangar Theme from Gundam Breaker 3, and our ending theme for this episode is The Very Hungry Caterpillar Song by Matt Rever, based on the Eric Carle book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Our podcast art is a fantastic piece of work from Twitter artist @fenfelt. Want to see a list of every unit we’ve covered from every episode, including variants and tangents? It’s right here.
Units discussed:
Caterpillar D2
Caterpillar D4
Caterpillar D4C
Caterpillar D4D
Caterpillar D4H
Caterpillar D3
Caterpillar D5
Caterpillar D6
Caterpillar D7