A promise unforgotten. It was a bit of work, and it’s a bit clunky, but we are here to talk about warframes as promised. The designs themselves are of course very cool, but they also prompt a difficult question: if mecha don’t have to be big, and they can be organic, where is the line drawn? Is a warframe a mecha? Is a person being possessed a mecha? But in truth this is pedantry: we know a mecha when we see one, and it’s as simple as that. Warframes aren’t mecha. But they ARE dope.
You can find a video version of this podcast for free on Scanline Media’s Patreon!
If you want to find us on Twitter, Dylan is @lowpolyrobot and Six is @sixdettmar. Our opening theme is the Hangar Theme from Gundam Breaker 3, and our ending theme for this episode is This is What You Are by George Spanos and Keith Power from Warframe. Our podcast art is a fantastic piece of work from Twitter artist @fenfelt. Want to see a list of every unit we’ve covered from every episode, including variants and tangents? It’s right here.
Units discussed:
Gauss Prime
Trinity Prime
Wisp Prime
Wukong Prime
Titania Prime
Ivara Prime