The original Granblue Fantasy Versus, high-budget fighting game adaptation of the popular gacha game Granblue Fantasy was… imperfect, to phrase it kindly. Netcode, balance, systems, there were some shortcomings that could use addressing. Unfortunately, the game hit at the worst possible time, and its life was squashed out of it- not given a chance to grow and realize its potential. I for one mourned the loss.
Fast forward to 2023, and a successor is announced- the Super Street Fighter to GBVS’s Street Fighter. With the number of things that could use changing, does Rising fix this fighter? Or do its changes move us further away from the goal, instead of closer? Let’s find out, together.
Our artwork for the show is drawn by @WistWhistley! You can find both our cohosts on Cohost- Six is @sixdettmar and Kyrie is @KyriePage.