It’s time for the curtain to fall on Monster Hunter Rise. Six, Allen, Minovsky, and Crass assemble one more time to finish up the new monsters of Monster Hunter Rise. It’s only four creatures, but we manage to go over an hour debating the merits of some particularly interesting beasts. Next time: Sunbreak. After that? Well, I guess we’ll see. …That’s not like a sly tease, I truly have no idea.
A big thank you to Minovsky, whom you can find on Twitter at @MinovskyArticle, as well as to Crass, whom you can find on Twitter at @Crasspants! Our Pokemon podcast art is done by Robin (@CourageousRobin on Twitter), our MonHun podcast art is done by RitSkyZ (@RitSkyZ on Twitter), and you can contact the show with any questions, comments, or arguments for future (or past!) monsters at johtoquorum@gmail.com. If you want to see the list of what creatures we’ve discussed, including direct links to Monster Hunter wiki pages for each monster, it’s right here! Don’t forget to switch to the MonHun tab!