Who’s time? Shu’s time! A new crop of Southlands officers is upon us, perhaps signalling the beginning of a new era for the Three Kingdoms. Is it time for the new generation to take charge? Certainly Shu’s new officers seem pretty damn good at this stuff, and the shine is starting to come off old heroes like Lord Guan… only time will tell, friends. Or, uh. Did tell. Because this book is… very old. No spoilers please.
If you want to contact us on Twitter, Em is at @em_being, Jackson is at @headfallsoff, Jen is at @jbu3, and Six is at @sixdettmar. Our art is made by @saltysprout! The intro music for this episode is Gloomy Shadow from Dynasty Warriors 5, and the outro music is the ending theme from Romance of the Three Kingdoms X.