This week on Bottle Crow Reborn, Colin and Nick are taking a look at the contenders for the Kiev Major… and whether they should even care given that DAC looks potentially more interesting. They also discuss Half-Life 3 (???), the slow death of cosmetics, the position of a captain, and whether or not Colin knows what year it is.
Does any of us, really? What is a year? A miserable little pile of tournaments. But enough talk. Have a podcast.
wow that was pretty weak huh
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We’re out of Pokemon to rank, for now… but the pocket monsters are back regardless! This time, Six and Allen play host on a Guess the Pokemon’s Type game show
Major Bravo Turbine @BTurbineOfficial 2hI am extremely proud to announce that we have Professor Fennel Coua, Space Instagram star and famous tweeter, visiting us today for a tour. May we
This isn’t the first time we’ve covered a mobile suit created for a fighting game, but it never ceases to be fascinating! The Dolmel is a friend that was locked