Year in Review: All We Made in 2024

Year in Review: All We Made in 2024 post thumbnail image

When you put out as much work as we do, it can be really easy to lose track of it, both as a creator and as a listener. Making this list, I found lots of things where I was like “wait, was that really 2024?” We ran fifteen podcasts in 2024. That’s fifteen different shows, with a number of episodes per varying between 2 and over 50. And video versions of some of them, and articles, and streams, and just… wow, a lot of stuff.

This list is for anyone who has lost track, anyone who wants to see it all on a big fancy shelf, and anyone who asks “so what do they do over there?” This. We do all this, in one year. And we’ve had twelve years and counting. Pretty proud of that.


Free Works


Jen out here holding it down on the site’s article game, with Kyrie chipping in. 2024 was a light year for conventional articles from us, but given how long and in-depth our monthly Patreon Updates are, I don’t feel particularly guilty about that.


Writers: Jen, Kyrie, Six

Jen’s Site Articles: The Chrono Jotter and the Empathetic Intimacy of the Macabre, Riven (2024) Review: To Be This Good Takes Ages, Novel Not New Extracurricular: The Crimson Diamond

Kyrie’s Site Article: “It Stands For Otaku Convention” – A Brief Otakon Retrospective

Patreon Updates: Patreon Update 1/7/24 (Doom 2016) by Six, Patreon Update 2/2/24 (Leverless Controllers) by Kyrie, Patreon Update 3/1/24 (Game Ownership) by Jen, Patreon Update 4/6/24 (Dragon’s Dogma 2) by Jen, Kyrie, & Six, Patreon Update 5/3/24 (Go) by Kyrie & Six, Patreon Update 6/9/24 (Pokémon Unite) by Six, Patreon Update 7/5/24 (Podcast Editing) by Jen, Patreon Update 8/2/24 (EVO 2024) by Kyrie, Patreon Update – 10/4/24 (Etrian Odyssey) by Jen & Kyrie, Patreon Update 11/1/24 (Terraria) by Six, Patreon Update 12/6/24 (Pokémon TCG Pocket) by Kyrie

Year in Review: Jen Plays Host for a Year of Guests, Kyrie Builds Furniture, Six Listens to the Art of the Past

Bald Gun Guy Podcast

We got two episodes out of BGGP last year, but life has simply gotten to be too much. Scheduling conflicts that won’t be resolving any time soon mean the show is on indefinite hold, but it would be great to go back to it someday.


Hosts: Matthew, Six, Tai

Episodes: Himmelstein, Singapore, Siberia (Sniper Assassin), Dubai

Bottle Crow Reborn

Nick and I found new ways of being deranged variety show comedians in 2024. We talked over press conferences, released a pod that was recorded while on a ride at Disneyland, and as ever, tried an increasingly large assortment of novelty snacks and sodas while having the dumbest arguments imaginable. It was a good year.


Hosts: Nick, Six
Guests: Allen

Regular Episodes: 184 – Tile Go Brr Mode, 185 – Roll Bimbo w/Allen, 186 – The Seeseian Technique, 187 – Under Pressure, 188 – Dodging the Question, 189 – Twunk Mundo, 190 – Clarified Orange Soda, 191 – Catastrophically Failed Pants,  192 – Spring Eggs Betrayal, 193 – James Dress, Remember the Name, 194 – The Knives The Sonic The Hedgehog, 195 – Dumb Harrison Furred, 196 – Four Loko Sommelier, 197 – Coddled Drink Baby, 198 – Jokie Is Strong, 199 – That’s the Episode Title, Not 200 – Five. Candy. Cigarettes.

Special Episodes: Taco Chingling 2 – Live Mas Live, Hatcast 3 – A Really Clean Swamp Hag, Patch 7.36 Special, Mini – Yo Soy Bird, Queue Time 1 – Keighleys Minus Keighley

The Creature Quorum

As I write this, Allen and I have looming the task of starting The Hunter’s Quorum back up, what with the release of Monster Hunter Wilds and all. We had finished the job in February 2024, but alas, they just keep releasing new games, huh? For the most part, 2024 for The Creature Quorum was the year of the Unova Tourism Committee, a feature where Allen and I play through the Pokémon Black & White and Black 2 & White 2 one badge at a time. Still, we found time to do some classic Johto Quorum as well.


Hosts: Allen, Six
Guests: Magellan, Matthew

The Hunter’s Quorum: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak w/Matthew

The Johto Quorum: Pokémon 4Ever (Pokémon Movie 4) w/Magellan, Ranking Pokemon’s Villainous Teams, Pokedex 1011-1017, 1019, 1025, Pokedex 1018, 1020-1024, Regional Trainer Draft w/Magellan

Unova Tourism Committee: Episode 1 (Trio Badge), Episode 2 (Basic Badge), Episode 3 (Insect Badge), Episode 4 (Bolt Badge), Episode 5 (Quake Badge), Episode 6 (Jet Badge Badge), Episode 7 (Freeze Badge), Episode 8 (Legend Badge), Episode 9 (The Elite Four), Episode 10 (Basic Badge, Again), Episode 11 (Toxic Badge), Episode 12 (Insect Badge… Again), Episode 13 (Bolt Badge… Again)

The Garnet Wager

I always think “now THIS is the last season of The Garnet Wager,” and then life finds ways to get us to keep going. A million thank yous to the incredible cast of friends who came through with cameos to the radio play half of this strange podcast. A disapproving shake of the head at realizing the way that Netflix’s practices mean The Devil’s Plan isn’t the show it should be. And a “stay tuned” to you listeners out there, cuz we’re not done yet.


Hosts: Allen, Nick, Six
Guest Actors: Crasspants, Ivy, June, Kat, Kyrie, Magellan,

Episodes: 68 – Where In the World (EE9CSD4), 69 – We’re So Back (TDPS1E1), 70 – Loud Fanatic, Quiet Spy (TDPS1E2), 71 – The Curse of Netflix (TDPS1E3-E4), 72 – Avocado vs. Giraffe (TDPS1E5-E6)

The Gimmick Awards 2023

Our yearly end-of-year awards for 2023 played out over the course of February, with 11 categories, each with a podcast of the debate and a write-up of the winners, and then year-in-review articles from our three main staffers plus friend of the site Dauragon.

The Round-Up breaks all of this down with individual links, so it’d be silly for me to do so again!


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six
Guest Writer: Dauragon

Gimmick Awards 2023 Round-Up

Journey to the Worst

Making its debut in 2024, it was all born to answer a simple question. “So, what even happens in Dragon Ball GT?” From there Six and Kyrie have taken a journey through the many highs and perilous lows of the extended works of the Dragon Ball franchise, taking the time to really dissect and understand the oft maligned anime. By the beginning of 2025 GT may have been concluded, but there is so much more to explore.


Hosts: Kyrie, Six
Guests: Allen, Jen

Dragon Ball GT Episodes: 1-3, 4-8, 9-12, 13-16, 17-20, 21-24, 25-28, 29-32, 33-36, 37-40, 41-44, 45-47, 48-51, 52-56

Special Episodes: Dragon Ball Daima 1-5, Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans Special

Mechanista in G

In a way, 2024 was the biggest year of Mechanista yet: it’s the year that the show began running video versions. It’s been really great for us, as we can point out to each other what we’re talking about more easily, and show it to the viewer- Mechanista was a show you basically had to listen to while staring at your phone, looking at images along with us. Why not provide the images directly? It’s a much better show for that change.


Hosts: Dylan, Six

UC Gundam Episodes: ZM-S19S Shy-Tarn (Video | Podcast), MaHA (Man Hunting Attachment) Grab Bag (Video | Podcast), EMS-10 Zudah (Video | Podcast), AMX-101 Galluss-J (Video | Podcast), Requiem for Vengeance (Pre-Release) (Video | Podcast), RX-9 Narrative Gundam (Video | Podcast), Gwigsy & Friends (Video | Podcast)

Non-UC Gundam Episodes: V07-0126 Sigrún (Video | Podcast), World Heroes (Part 5) (Video | Podcast), GN-007 Arios Gundam (Video | Podcast), ORB-01 Akatsuki Gundam (Video | Podcast), AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 (Part 1) (Video | Podcast), AGE-1 Gundam AGE-1 (Part 2) (Video | Podcast), GNY-001 Gundam Astraea (Video | Podcast), CMS-328 Desperado (Video | Podcast), GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam (Video | Podcast), xvt-zgc Ghirarga (Video | Podcast), MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame (Part 1) (Video | Podcast), Recten (Video | Podcast), MBF-P02 Gundam Astray Red Frame (Part 2) (Video | Podcast), X-EX01 Gundam Calibarn (Video | Podcast), FP/A-77 Gundam Pharact (Video | Podcast), World Heroes (Part 6) (Video | Podcast), STH-16 Shiden (Video | Podcast), MD-0064 Darilbalde (Video | Podcast), ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam (Video | Podcast), MD-0031 Dilanza (Video | Podcast)

Non-Gundam Mecha Episodes: Anti-Gnosis Weapon Systems (Video | Podcast), PTX-01/PTX-001 Gespenst (Video | Podcast), PTX-003C Alteisen (Video | Podcast), VF-1 Valkyrie (Video | Podcast), EMS-05 Acg & XV8 Crisis Battlesuit (Video | Podcast), Megas XLR (Video | Podcast), HWR-00 Monster Mk II Heavy Weight Robot (Video | Podcast)

Cleanup Episodes: July 2024 Cleanup (Video | Podcast)

Other Episodes: ADO15 Mini (Video | Podcast), BMW Mini Cooper (Video | Podcast), Boeing 747 (Video | Podcast), Kamen Rider Faiz (Video | Podcast), Warframes (Part 1?) (Video | Podcast), San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (Video | Podcast), Caterpillar D-Series (Part 1) (Video | Podcast), Caterpillar D-Series (Part 2) (Video | Podcast), Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere (Video | Podcast), Megalomaria Principal (Video | Podcast), Vic Viper (Video | Podcast), MOGUERA (Video | Podcast)

Neutral Game

With this podcast’s soft relaunch, we continue their look at newer fighting games with a beginner friendly approach. Granblue hit us a like a bolt of lightning, securing itself several spots in nominations of the 2024 Gimmick Awards, but we also took the time to look at other games. While not many episodes came out, getting to talk fighting games is something we both enjoy. We have some fun plans for 2025, so look forward to that.


Hosts: Kyrie, Six

Episodes: Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising (Part 1), Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising (Part 2), Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero, Tekken 8

Oops More Anime

The thing about having a feed for when we want to talk about anime in an extracurricular way, not just for Oops All Anime is… it’s almost always Gundam. It doesn’t even have to be good as evidenced by the bad movie and worse Netflix show that drove us to bonus episodes in 2024.


Hosts: Allen, Kyrie, Six

Episodes: Gundam SEED Freedom Spoilercast, Gundam Requiem for Vengeance

Scanline Tabletop

The gang’s adventure in the world of Tenra Bansho Zero continued with Embers of War where we concluded the Ghosts of Amegawa arc. There is something to the heightened drama of the game that I try to capture in the edit and in the way the game is played. Easily the show I lose the most time in the edit on, and I that the wait for episodes is worth it. Rest assured, the adventure is not quite over.


Hosts: Allen, Jennifer, June, Kyrie, Six

Guests: Jackie

Embers of War: 14 – Painful Release, 15 – Gentle Breeze, 16 – Fleeting Peace

Scanline Talks

This feed has been host to so many different shows, because it’s the place for us to explore new things. One off ideas that become spun into their own programs, mini-series, or the rare privilege of speaking to industry professionals. This feed had so much variety in 2024, and I am really proud how much we got done. This feed, in a way, represents so much of Scanline Media – silly one off ideas, fun interviews, and detailed analysis… I hope we can do so many more fun things in 2025.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six
Guests: Akihiko Orikasa, Allen, Christophe Ferreira, Justin Leach, Katrina Minett, Kensuke Yamamoto, Uki Satake

Episodes: The Granblue Number (Part 1), The Granblue Number (Part 2), Refresh Rate 3/21/24, The Goku Number 2,

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Spoilercasts: Chapters 1-2, Chapters 3-5, Chapters 6-8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapters 11-12, Chapters 13-14

Otakon 2024 Interviews: Uki Satake, Studio Orange, Qubic Pictures

World of Warcraft Boot Camp: WoW Vanilla, TBC, WotLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, SL, DF

Ultimate Despair Reprise

The despair never ends! We started our look at Danganronpa V3, one of the most divisive games in the series. There is just so much to this game, from it’s increased length and spectacle, that we have had so much to discuss with this game. As this series is want to do, we have been on a hiatus. Lot of life events love to happen at us. But the drive is still there. Once things have settled down, look forward to us tackling the final game in the series.


Hosts: Jackie, Jen, Kyrie

Episodes: 37 – Once In A Lifetime, 38 – Mr. Danganronpa Rides Again, 39 – Queen of the Tuck, 40 – Pathetic and Wet


Oh my LORD. Ok, I have to find a better way to break these up next year. This is so much.

At the start of 2024, Jen told us she wanted for Scanline to do more video content- particularly, to lean harder into streaming. As you can perhaps see below… we did. For a lot of the year, there was a stream every Sunday, plus others from time to time. Kyrie and I held it down for a while as Jen was dealing with some health stuff, and at the beginning of 2025, Jen made her grand return and has been running it ever since. But that’s for discussing on the 2025 Year in Review, I suppose.

We streamed a ton of different games, and discovered some really cool and weird ones along the way. All of this was originally streamed live at, where you can catch us every week and then some (though we reserve the right to take days off!). But we archive it all too, for your viewing pleasure.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six

Monthly Patreon Streams: January 2024 Patreon Stream: Wheel of PSP, February 2024 Patreon Stream Pt 1: Yamafuda 2nd Station & Dungeon Drafters, February 2024 Patreon Stream Pt 2: Volcano Princess & Hero’s Adventure: Road to Passion, February 2024 Patreon Stream Pt 3: Chants of Sennaar & 30XX, March 2024 Patreon Stream: Dark Void & Bullet Witch, April 2024 Patreon Stream: Overlooked Games, May 2024 Patreon Stream: Ani-MAY, June 2024 Patreon Stream: Visiting Our MMO Ancestors, July 2024 Patreon Stream: A King’s Apocalypse, August 2024 Patreon Stream: Olympics 2! The Sequel To The Olympics!, September 2024 Patreon Stream: Indie Darlings, October 2024 Patreon Stream: Goofy Horror, December 2024 Patreon Stream: May We Die in the Snow

Jen’s Tales Journey: Tales of Jennifer: Phantasia 1, Tales of Jennifer: Phantasia 2, Tales of Jennifer: Phantasia 3, Tales of Jennifer: Phantasia 4, Tales of Jennifer: Phantasia 5

Kyrie Plays Chrono Trigger: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7

Other Streams: The Wheel of Game Requests Spins Again!, We’re Gonna Finish It – Six Picks Lifeline (PS2) Back Up, Rabbit and Steel Raiding with the Scanline Crew, Grab Bag of Forgotten PS2 Shooters w/Six and Kyrie, Sharing the Joy of Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya, Spreading Democracy – A Helldivers 2 Stream, The Temporary Shape – Six Plays Destiny 2, Hyrule Catches Its Second Breath – Modded BotW w/Six, Kyrie and Six Go Into The Night – Under Night IN-Birth 2, The Last Journey? Saying Farewell to KSP2, Goblins Ill Like Fire – A Dragons Dogma II Stream w/Six, In The 2XKO Alpha Lab with Kyrie and Six, Six and Kyrie Play Pokémon Emerald Rogue 01 – This Isn’t The Run, Cleaning Up The World In .hack GU Vol.1 w/Six, 50 Games??? UFO 50 with Kyrie, Starting .hack GU Vol.2 w/Six, Sunday Night’s Alright For Fighting – Fights In Tight Spaces w/Six & Kyrie, Ageless Technique – Sifu with Kyrie and Six, Omakase Night – Mystia’s Izakaya w/Six & Kyrie

Patron Exclusives

Battle Crow

I’m proud that I managed to make MOST episodes this year also have a video version. I don’t know what ratio of people watch the video version vs the podcast version, but it just seems like a thing we should supply if we’re gonna be playing games while we talk. We really gotta get back to our Old MMOs project we did some of in 2024, those episodes were really fun to do. Lotta prep, but worth it.


Hosts: Nick, Six
Guest This Year: Allen

Episodes: 25 – Bob-omb Battle Crow [Super Mario 64], 26 – I Just Survived Y2K (Video | Podcast) [PowerWash Simulator], 27 – Noot [The Greatest Penguin Heist of All Time], 28 Echo – Super Mario Andretti [Mario Kart: Double Dash!!], 28 Source – Mayor of Mushroom City [Mario Kart: Double Dash!!], 29 – The Day of Reckoning (Video | Podcast) [City of Heroes Homecoming], 30 – Eldy Reldy (Video | Podcast) [Elden Ring], 31 – Neverquest (Battle of the Bumpers Part 1) (Video | Podcast) [EverQuest Free-to-Play], 32 – Throw ‘Em in the Dumper (Battle of the Bumpers Part 2) [Supermarket Together], 33 – Boil the Frog in the Lemonade w/Allen [Sonic Superstars], 34 – Long Beach Methodist (Video | Podcast) [Minecraft], 35 – Tug of War (Video | Podcast) [Street Fighter 6], 36 – Banana Bread (Video | Podcast) [SpyParty]

Iris In Audio

I took over this show about… what, two years ago at this point? Fun fact about me: I took a film studies class in college and sometimes the cinema brain worm just loves to wiggle. I think of the best moves we made in 2024, however, was the limiting of choices occasionally. While $5 patrons always got a say in the polls, we felt like we needed space to just talk about the movies or shows that spoke to us. I am really stupendously proud of our coverage of The Last Dance and I hope that we take the time in 2025 to explore more then just movies. But regardless, it’s been fun to let the childhood ambition of “professional film reviewer” sorta take shape with this show.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six

Episodes: Muppets Take Manhattan, RRR, Air Bud, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, The Last Dance, The Chronicles of Riddick, The Eight Diagram Pole Fighter, The Social Network, Demolition Man, The Life of Pi, The Muppet Christmas Carol

Novel Not New

In 2024, Novel Not New’s third chair remained a rotating guest position, but we had plenty of friends stop by to talk narrative games with us! Kudos to Mark and Kyrie for joining us in multiple episodes, though we had a wide variety of guests who all came in clutch, leading to some of the liveliest discussions this show has ever seen. And I’m proud of the wide variety of games we’ve covered and continue to cover: from visual novel classics to JRPGs, action games, even flying arcade romps…we continue to branch out, finding interesting stories in unexpected places, and 2025 looks to be no different.

Though there was one big change that happened in the middle of 2024: I’m the one editing the podcast now! It’s been an interesting challenge, learning to find my editing “voice”, though I’m growing more confident in each episode. And I couldn’t have taken this step without Six and Kyrie’s support, answering all my silly questions and teaching me to avoid certain pitfalls.

As of this writing, I’m in the middle of arranging our biggest podcast ever, a three-part behemoth covering the entirety of Fate/stay night. I can’t wait to share it with y’all, and I hope this year’s Novel Not New episodes excite you as much as they excite me!


Hosts: Jen, Six
Guests This Year: Allen, Benn, Emily, Emrys, kb, Mark, Olivia

Episodes: Xenosaga Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht w/Emrys, Tokimeki Memorial, Long Gone Days w/Olivia, Stella of the End w/Benn, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater w/Allen, The House in Fata Morgana w/kb & Mark, Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere w/Dylan, Dokyusei: Bangin’ Summer w/Kyrie, Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers w/Emily, Ace Attorney Investigations Collection w/Kyrie, Ever17: The Out of Infinity w/Mark, Last Window: The Secret of Cape West

Oops All Anime

You know? I think we’re getting close. We’ve almost covered All Anime. Just a few more, I think. We went all over the map in 2024, with episodes from shows as old as the 70s and as new as “only just hit 3 episodes.” It has been a good reminder: though anime production has changed, and certain types of projects just don’t happen anymore, in any year there are crap anime and there are great anime, and everything in between. If anime has gotten “worse” in recent years, it ain’t by much.

They say “there’s nothing new under the sun,” but we haven’t seen everything under that sun yet, so we still get surprised by what people choose to animate, on a regular basis. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six
Guests This Year: Jackson

Regular Episodes: Soul Eater, Gintama the Movie, K, I’m in Love with the Villainess, Bang Brave Bang Bravern, Princess Tutu, City Hunter, SSSS.Gridman, Psycho Pass, Cinderella Chef, Delicious in Dungeon, Uma Musume Pretty Derby, Kenka Bancho Otome: Girl Beats Boys, Kuroko’s Basketball w/Jackson, Wind Breaker, Martian Successor Nadesico, Le Chevalier d’Eon, Blue Exorcist, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean, Cyber City Oedo 808, Humanity Has Declined, Voltes V, My Deer Friend Nokotan, Bocchi the Rock!, AMAIM: Warrior at the Borderline, Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion, El Cazador de la Bruja, Fairy Tail, Mamotte Shugogetten!, The Elusive Samurai, Emma: A Victorian Romance, Wedding Peach, The Irresponsible Captain Tylor, DAN DA DAN, Burst Angel, Ace of Diamond, Bartender (2006), s-CRY-ed

Double Features: Final Fantasy VII: Last Order & Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete, Solo Leveling & BanG Dream: It’s MyGO!!!!!, Overman King Gainer & BanG Dream! It’s MyGo!!!!!, Ranma 1/2 (2024) & Ranma 1/2 (1989),

Oops All Manga

It’s gonna take awhile if we only cover one manga at a time. But I love this show because manga may be an adjacent art form to anime, but offers such a different perspective then the moving pictures. Shout outs to our friend Harri who came on the show twice to talk manga with us, who may eventually convince us to talk about American comic books at some point. Whole world is our oyster. Nevertheless, I think we had some wonderful conversations this year about one of our many passions.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six
Guests This Year: Harri

Episodes: Saint Seiya, Yotsuba&!, Dragon Ball, Genshiken, Kaiju No.8 w/Harri, Claymore, Heterogenia Linquistico, Phantom Thief Jeanne, Dogsred w/Harri, Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku, The Heroic Legend of Arslan, The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today

Request Episodes

It’s good to let someone else have a finger on the scale sometimes. I like to think we do a pretty good job around here at trying a variety of things- different movies, manga, anime, games. But at the end of the day, we’re three people with basically similar taste (?basically?) pulling from a pool of references that we partially share. It does really help to have our patrons ask for stuff sometimes that we wouldn’t consider on our own. Or that we would, but we decide we don’t have time for. Or a hundred other reasons things don’t get covered here on Scanline. So thank you to our patrons for pushing us to try things we wouldn’t, and sometimes even helping us discover new favs in the process.

Sometimes not, but y’know, that’s just life.


Hosts: Jen, Kyrie, Six

Episodes: She Loves to Cook, and She Loves to Eat & Magic Mike, Revue Starlight The Movie, Epithet Erased, Joe Pera Talks With You and Helldivers 2, Ladyhawke & Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992), Cross Game 1-3 & The Anthem of the Heart, Yume no Hashibashi & The Magic Blade (1976), Di Gi Charat (TV) & The Summer You Were There Vol. 1-3, Our Dreams at Dusk & Betterman, .hack://SIGN Ep. 1-3 & Repo! The Genetic Opera, Ace Attorney Movie + Jeeves and Wooster Ep. 1-3

A lot, right? This site is our passion, this work is what we love. We’re lucky to be able to share it with all of you, for years in the past and for years to come. Thank you for taking this ride with us.

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