Now, I have some sympathy for influencers, and then I also have a lack of sympathy in some areas. Part of the blessing of Scanline not paying my bills is, I’m not beholden to audience numbers and such. Bottle Crow’s existence was probably a good clue of that. Point is, I can make whatever I want, and also NOT make whatever I want (broadly). An influencer doesn’t have that same freedom. The content they produce is in response to trends and demands, and while they absolutely have sway, if they just follow their whims too much odds are they’ll be out of business. And so maybe a food influencer makes some recipes or videos they’re not proud of. Maybe they just needed to pay the rent that day.
Or maybe they needed to pay the MORTGAGE that day because they’re a lot more wealthy than me. Right? That’s the thing? Efshay Onjay probably has, like… a house. That he owns. And then goes to a studio do do his little “FOOOD Wishes” lilt. So here’s the thing: your recipe is dogshit and you should feel bad. And I’m coming for you. Until I get bored, which will probably happen pretty fast.
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