This was supposed to be a Battle Crow (our monthly bonus Patreon show), but the guidance of Grace deemed it not to be. Press play with your Two Fingers and celebrate with us the start of the Summer of Sour, cracking open a normal one with the boyz, and marveling at the miracle of bagged tea. I hope you brought some Oil Dipping Sticks for snacking.
Bonus points if you tell me (Nick) to “git gud” in the comments.
Join the Bottle Crow Discord to check out our live posted show notes as well as chat with us and other listeners! We’re on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher! You can subscribe on those, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. Tell your Dota friends about us, help spread the word! Make sure to vote on the Rhythms of Riftshadow Ruins in the Steam Workshop! Support the Scanline Media Patreon to access a bonus monthly “Battle Crow” (It’s even worse than Bottle Crow, somehow).