The Creature Quorum – Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

The Creature Quorum – Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak post thumbnail image
The Johto Quorum & The Hunter's Quorum
The Johto Quorum & The Hunter's Quorum
The Creature Quorum - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Five final monsters, and then the Hunters may rest. We’ve gone through every mainline Monster Hunter and talked about the big boss beasts, and now all that remains is Sunbreak. Will Malzeno make it big? Will Lunagaron pass our inspection? It’s time to rate a few last friends, and then close down shop until the next Monster Hunter. Not that the Quorum’s stopping- hell, our Unova journeys are only just getting started.

A big thank you to our guest Matthew, whom you can find on Twitter at @Infinite_Rewind! Our Pokemon podcast art is done by Robin (@CourageousRobin on Twitter), our MonHun podcast art is done by RitSkyZ (@RitSkyZ on Twitter), and you can contact the show with any questions, comments, or arguments for future (or past!) monsters, DM Six at @sixdettmar!

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