Everyone is asking, “what will the Generation 10 Pokemon games be like?” Always, we look to the horizon. That’s not a bad thing: to neglect the future is to neglect progress. But it hasn’t always been a step forward, has it? Are you going to be the first person to claim Sword & Shield were better than Sun & Moon? Do you really think Diamond & Pearl were better games than Ruby & Sapphire?
For years, Allen has told me, Six, that Gen 5 is the best generation of Pokemon. And y’know, those games were cool. But they’re not Gen 2, or Gen 7… isn’t “best” a bit too much? Well… maybe not. Over the course of 2024, Allen and I will play through Pokemon Black & White, then Black 2 & White 2, one gym per episode. The last 2D Pokemon. The last DS Pokemon. The Pokemon that dares to be about… New York state?! Join us we tackle Black & White, a game from our pasts with a shocking number of good suggestions for the future.