Around here, Bethesda’s games are pretty divisive. We can all agree they’re deeply flawed games, but to what extent their unique charms prevail against those weaknesses varies person to person. Jen still holds some affection for Skyrim, Six can’t stand it, and neither have anything but disdain for Fallout 4. So what’s the vibe with Starfield, their latest and most ambitious work? It’s… charming. Though neither Jen nor Six has spent a ton of time yet- both around a dozen hours at time of recording- there’s enough to want to get together and talk about the experience. And why not have mics on while we’re at it.
You can find our hosts on various socials: on Twitter, Jen is @jbu3 and Six is @sixdettmar. On Cohost, Jen is @jen-and-aster, and Six is once again @sixdettmar.