Yarrrr! It’s time to sail the sea of stars! Partially! In truth, there are like a billion Crossbone Gundams, and we’re taking only a small subsection of them on today. But also I value my sanity, and these machines are like… mostly cool with mega cringe elements! So let’s just get started.
If you want to find us on Twitter, Dylan is @lowpolyrobot and Six is @sixdettmar. Our opening theme is the Hangar Theme from Gundam Breaker 3, and our ending theme for this episode is Aratanaru Uchuu e from Mobile Suit Gundam F91. Our podcast art is a fantastic piece of work from Twitter artist @fenfelt. Want to see a list of every unit we’ve covered from every episode, including variants and tangents? It’s right here.
Units discussed:
XM-X2 Crossbone Gundam X-2
XM-X2ex Crossbone Gundam X-2 Kai
XM-X2-JULIA Crossborn Gundam X2 JULIA
XM-X3 Crossbone Gundam X-3