You know with all the podcasts we put out, it’s amazing we find time to do much else. But luckily we find time to relax occasionally. Six took some time with Resident Evil 4 Remake while on travel, finding the experience a little lacking. Meanwhile Jennifer paddled her raft to the middle of a spooky lake, finding herself charmed by the world Dredge thrust her into. Lastly, Kyrie continues her revisit through Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters and finds lots to love despite a messy release of a beloved series.
Editor’s Note: This episode got lost in the shuffle, and we recorded this one about three weeks ago. Please enjoy, regardless.
In chronological order, our music is 8bit23 by Koichi Morita, the Save Room Theme from Resident Evil 4 Remake by Kota Suzuki, the Main Theme from Dredge by David Mason, Fight It Out!! from Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters by Masatoshi Ono, and then a reprise of 8bit23 by Koichi Morita.
You can find us on Twitter at @jbu3 for Jen, @KyrieAPage for Kyrie, and @sixdettmar for Six.