You’d think after everything, we’d be free of games by now. But no- games returned, despite everything. Jen takes point with Metroid Prime Remastered, which finally got her to spend more time with the certified all-timer. Then Six explains their befuddlement at the strange tone and choices of Like a Dragon Ishin!, where historical fiction meets… weird ideas of treating people. Finally, Kyrie’s wrist has been steadily improving, and she’s been celebrating by playing a classic with Six- Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3.
In chronological order, our music is 8bit23 by Koichi Morita, the File Select Theme from Metroid Prime by Kenji Yamamoto and Kouichi Kyuma, Collisions of Our Souls from Like a Dragon Ishin! by Chihiro Aoki and Hidenori Shoji, the Character Select Theme from Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 by Hideyuki Fukasawa, a track whose name I couldn’t find from Reigns Three Kingdoms by Roc Chen, and then a reprise of 8bit23 by Koichi Morita.
You can find us on Twitter at @jbu3 for Jen, @KyrieAPage for Kyrie, and @sixdettmar for Six.