Ten Years of Scanline Media

Ten Years of Scanline Media post thumbnail image

It’s kinda wild to be sitting here writing this. Ten years. It was ten years ago today that we switched scanlinemedia.com from a draft to a live site, with the archive of our old work, and a handful of new pieces to prime the engine. It would be another two years before we started doing podcasts instead of sticking exclusively to articles, and now podcasts are our main stock and trade.

I shouted out all our show hosts on the Game of the Year pod, and I don’t want to make too big of a fuss about this. I just wanted to say, to all of you out there who have joined us on shows: thank you so much for your time, your energy, your knowledge, and your passion.

To all our listeners, readers, and viewers, thank you for the support as we kept this running while life had its many complications.

To Nick, thank you for being a weird steadfast rock in my life, in your own strange way. I don’t think I need to say much else, buddy.

To Kyrie, thank you for being the flame of passion that has driven us further and higher, always ready with an idea of your own and enthusiasm for someone else’s.

And to Jen, thank you for putting up with me for ten years. Thank you for your work, your support, your friendship, and for always being here. I haven’t made the right decision every time over the last ten years, but it’s always been you and me, and I would have never bothered starting without you, let alone continuing.

Thank you all for everything. I won’t say anything silly like “here’s to ten more,” but, you best believe we’re not done.

-Six Dettmar


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