Iceborne only added six monsters. Which incidentally is my name. Just… Six, not Six Monsters. Though can you IMAGINE?! Sorry, getting sidetracked. Six new monsters- plenty more returning friends. Six is a very manageable number, so let’s just knock this expansion out in one episode. I’m sure there won’t be anything cool, and we can just cut them all and move on to Rise without any surprises.
A big thank you to Minovsky, who you can find on Twitter at @MinovskyArticle! Our Pokemon podcast art is done by Robin (@CourageousRobin on Twitter), our MonHun podcast art is done by RitSkyZ (@RitSkyZ on Twitter), and you can contact the show with any questions, comments, or arguments for future (or past!) monsters at johtoquorum@gmail.com. If you want to see the list of what creatures we’ve discussed, including direct links to Monster Hunter wiki pages for each monster, it’s right here! Don’t forget to switch to the MonHun tab!