Time brings wisdom and perspective. Or, that’s the theory anyway. My Game of the Year for 2012 was Tokyo Jungle. At the time, I was writing for a site called Press X or Die. Jen wrote for that site too, and while the articles part of that site died years ago, its forums at least are still kicking. (She didn’t write a GotY for 2012, though her 2011 was Dead Space 2). And you know, it was only months later that Jen and I were like “we’re leaving to make something for ourselves.” That’s how Scanline started.
We’ve done a lot of growing since then, as people, as critics, as entertainers. And I guess what I’m saying is, if Tokyo Jungle wins again I probably failed to confront my past self honestly =P
The Nominees Are:
Analogue: A Hate Story
Asura’s Wrath
Gravity Rush
Long Live the Queen
Mark of the Ninja
Persona 4 Arena
Sleeping Dogs
Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed
Spelunky HD
Thirty Flights of Loving
Tokyo Jungle
XCOM: Enemy Unknown
Xenoblade Chronicles
Here’s our write-up for the winners!
Our intro and outro music for the Gimmick Awards 2022 is Street Food by FASSounds, and our art is a commission from @inkopolis on Twitter.