It was uncommon for Davis Deadwater to be at a loss for words, but this was a very special circumstance. He tilted his head this way and that, staring at the report on his desk. In front of him, a Meridian intelligence officer squirmed in anxious discomfort. Finally, he looked up at the officer. “So they got ate by a… a black hole?”
“It seems that way, sir… the Anti-Entropists managed to generate one with that massive robot of theirs, and as the document says, they attempted to go into hyperspace, but then we lost them.”
Deadwater frowned. “And it couldn’t just be that you lost track of them?”
The officer shook their head. “We checked their heading, where hyperspace would have taken them. Nothing. No trail, they never arrived.”
Deadwater signed. “I was starting to like Robbie, you know. Good kid. Could sense the way the wind was blowing. Which is hard to do, in space.” He drummed a finger on his knee. “Well. Guess it’s plan B, then.”
We’re playing Beam Saber! Its creator, Austin Ramsay, can be found on Twitter at @notaninn. Six is @sixdettmar, Jen is @jbu3, Kyrie is @KyrieAPage, and Kat is comfortably free of Twitter’s oppressive grasp.
Our intro music is Cyber 12 from Demon Souls, a Japanese royalty free music site.