“Shield. Shield! Hey!”
Be My Shield blinked heavily. Delta slumped to the floor. “Finally. Knew you weren’t dead, no way I survive something that you don’t. But you were worrying me.”
The Anti-Entropist mercenary frowned. “Dziban?”
“They got away, of course. A talent of theirs.” Delta snorted derisively.
Be My Shield gathered their strength to stand up, then felt their body scream in protest, and abandon the effort. “I am not well,” they said simply.
“No shit,” agreed Delta. “But you’re the one who took medical training, so sorry bud, it’s on you.” Delta tossed a med kit. “I’ll keep watch, though I imagine if anyone shows up, there isn’t a lot we can do.”
“We can always do something, Delta,” replied Shield, opening the kit.
They’d had worse days, but frankly… not very many.
We’re playing Beam Saber! Its creator, Austin Ramsay, can be found on Twitter at @notaninn. Six is @sixdettmar, Jen is @jbu3, Kyrie is @KyrieAPage, and Kat is comfortably free of Twitter’s oppressive grasp.
Our intro music is Cyber 12 from Demon Souls, a Japanese royalty free music site.