Despite the attitude they’d presented with, Trick Wodehouse was actually incredibly grateful to Fennel for their presence. There’s nothing like a clown when it comes to misdirection, and Trick was playing with extremely high stakes. Were the influencer absent, the Anti-Entropists’ involvement in the star’s destabilization would certainly be discovered. But Trick was confident that Fennel would find a way to screw everything up.
They couldn’t wait to get off this stupid hunk of ice. How anyone could live on a planet, stationary in space, baffled them.
Beam Saber is currently on Kickstarter! You can find it at Its creator, Austin Ramsay, can be found on Twitter at @notaninn. Six is @sixdettmar, Jen is @jbu3, Kyrie is @KyrieAPage, and Kat is comfortably free of Twitter’s oppressive grasp.
Our intro music is Cyber 12 from Demon Souls, a Japanese royalty free music site, and the Previously On music is Cyber 21 from the same.