Refresh Rate returns with another episode of Jen, Kyrie and Six recounting standout media and experiences from the past month. After bouncing off Sonic Frontiers hard, Six has fallen into Freedom Planet and its sequel, finding there what they couldn’t in the series that inspired it. Jen is braving the season of death in Harvestella, and finding there’s less harvesting than you’d expect given the name? And Kyrie is here to report back from a year where she finally felt safe returning to conventions, and the experience of doing so as press for the first time.
This link is a folder of images we reference during the pod, in chronological order.
Also in chronological order, our music is 8bit23 by Koichi Morita, the Freedom Planet Main Theme by Woofle and Strife from Freedom Planet, Those Who Resist Destiny from Harvestella by Go Shiina, Saria’s Song from Ocarina of Time by Gamer of the Winds (@GameroftheWinds) and Mary of the Maryland Accordion Club (Facebook) live at Otakon 2022, and then a reprise of 8bit23 by Koichi Morita.
You can find us on Twitter at @jbu3 for Jen, @KyrieAPage for Kyrie, and @sixdettmar for Six.