In her escape pod, Signal Static stewed. The other pilots had been worthless- less than worthless. They fought like fools, talked like idiots, and if Signal managed to make her way back to the Valk, she’d see to it that their records permanently bore the marks of… no. She closed her eyes. They’d died fighting. It was an embarrassing scene, but they were dead now. And angry as she was that they’d so utterly let her down, the decent thing would be to see they got their posthumous promotions, and nice words said at their funerals. Even if those words were lies. Death was punishment enough.
But that ship… that wasn’t a smuggler ship. Smugglers don’t fight like that, taking the initiative. They bite when cornered but they are by nature cowards. There was something else going on with The Echoing Voice. It also wasn’t an Anti-Entropist ship despite its name and markings: the AE were a grouchy group, but they wouldn’t open fire without at least a few words exchanged.
Well, nothing for it. She checked her display again. Her escape pod wasn’t on an impact trajectory with Rosanct in the near future at least, and someone would notice her. She leaned back, and pulled out her phone. She missed her dog. Dogs were loyal. Dogs wouldn’t talk a big game and then fight like- no, no. Put the anger behind you. They’re already dead. This isn’t helping.
Beam Saber is currently on Kickstarter! You can find it at tinyurl.com/BeamSaberKickstarter. Its creator, Austin Ramsay, can be found on Twitter at @notaninn. Six is @sixdettmar, Jen is @jbu3, Kyrie is @KyrieAPage, and Kat is comfortably free of Twitter’s oppressive grasp.
Our intro music is Cyber 12 from Demon Souls, a Japanese royalty free music site.