Finally, Chris Jericho has company, he’s not the only Meat Mecha on this list. If the weak point of a mecha is the cockpit, is that the head on Chris Jericho and Harry Ord? It stands to reason. Let’s talk about a man whose fashion sense defies the world of “clothing,” and makes him a Unit Discussed.
If you want to find us on Twitter, Dylan is @lowpolyrobot and Six is @sixdettmar. Our opening theme is the Hangar Theme from Gundam Breaker 3, and our ending theme for this episode is Aura by Shinji Tanimura from Turn A Gundam. Our podcast art is a fantastic piece of work from Twitter artist @fenfelt. Want to see a list of every unit we’ve covered from every episode, including variants and tangents? It’s right here.
Units discussed:
Harry Ord Mass Production Royal Guard Uniform
Harry Ord Abnormal Suit Variant
Young Harry Ord
Harry Ord Experimental Production Model
Harry Ord Argyle Recon Model
Harry Ord Farmboy Special
Harry Ord Special Ballroom Custom
Harry Ord Pajama Star
Harry Ord White Shirt
Harry Ord Besserung