Let the super robot floodgates be OPENED! Unfortunately we’re starting with a showstopper, in that after this one you will hit stop on the show and go away. But please! Trust us! There are very sick super robots out there, and we will talk about them! Godmars just… ain’t it, that’s all.
If you want to find us on Twitter, Dylan is @lowpolyrobot and Six is @sixdettmar. Our opening theme is the Hangar Theme from Gundam Breaker 3, and our ending theme for this episode is the opening from Six God Combination Godmars, which I cannot find proper credits for. Our podcast art is a fantastic piece of work from Twitter artist @fenfelt. Want to see a list of every unit we’ve covered from every episode, including variants and tangents? It’s right here.
Units discussed:
Six God Combination Godmars
Cosmo Crusher