Fun fact, this award category takes its name from a channel on our Discord devoted to the discussion of music, #thatsmyjam. Honestly, every year this is one of the hardest categories, as I find myself remembering music I should have nominated later and kicking myself. Jen, Kyrie, and Six assemble for the That’s Our Jam discussion. Don’t forget to check out the Write-Up for the winner and runners-up on the site!
Our intro music for the Gimmick Awards 2020 is 8bit22 from Demon’s Souls, a Japanese royalty-free music site. A big thank you to Zwimmy (@zwimmy on Twitter) for our Game of the Year art!
The Nominees are:
In The Blood (Hades)
Paradise (Stay Forever) (Paradise Killer)
Bury the Light (Devil May Cry V)
Cool Z/J Theme (Shenmue 2)
Animal Crossing Title Theme (Animal Crossing: New Horizons)
Menu Music (Them’s Fightin Herds)
Take Over (Persona 5 Royal)
Red Streamer Battle (Paper Mario Origami King)
J.E.N.O.V.A. Quickening (Final Fantasy VII Remake)
It’s Dangerous to Go Alone (Cook Serve Delicious 3)
Stand Up (Final Fantasy VII Remake)