On this week’s Two Networks, we’re missing Em more than ever as Six scrambles to maintain the thread of a whirlwind of plots, schemes, and disasters. Xuande pulls the biggest galaxy brain move of all time, Zhang Fei loses his “Hero of China” privileges, Cao Cao performs a bloodless coup (well, sort of), bluffs are called, cities are burned. And against all logic, Guo Si and Li Jue survive these chapters.
If you want to contact us on Twitter, Em is at @em_being, Jackson is at @headfallsoff, Jen is at @jbu3, and Six is at @sixdettmar. Our art is placeholder, we’ll get some real art soon! The intro music for this episode is a song from the 2010 Three Kingdoms live action show, and the ending music is Liu Bei’s theme from Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII.