Well now, THIS is more like it. The Genius is back with a vengeance as our players compete in a rousing game of Resista- err, I mean, “Jury Game.” Who can be trusted, and who’s a criminal? And can you, perhaps, even trust a criminal? Dongmin’s in charge, Hyunmin’s making plays, and Yongsuk and Kyunghoon have some rock paper scissors to pl- rock paper scissors?! Again?! The Genius, I was JUST starting to come around again! Arggggh.
If you want to play Fantasy Genius with us, we’ve got everything you need! The RSS feed has episodes explaining the rules, and here is a link to Google Document versions of those rules, and the current point totals!
If you want to find Six on Twitter, ve’s at @sixdettmar. We’ll happily take any questions or feedback, if you’re so inclined.
The Intro 0:00
The Main Match (Jury Game) 1:24
The Homework (Overwatch) 27:04
The Death Match (Betting Rock Paper Scissors) 40:33