You put the crow in the bottle, and you shake it all up. Dota Plus has been UPGRADED! With amazing features like… things that were in the Battle Pass! Hurray! Now for just Money a month, Valve won’t take away features that cost them nothing to maintain and make the game a more pleasant experience! Happy birthday to Alohadance, and a return to German recipes to see if we can get some solid repro.
We’re on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher! You can subscribe on those, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. Tell your Dota friends about us, help spread the word! Make sure to vote on the Rhythms of Riftshadow Ruins in the Steam Workshop! The official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow if you have any questions or comments. Thanks to Nick for editing this episode: the first episode of Bottle Crow since like episode 15 or something that I haven’t edited!