When the end seems near, and you close your eyes, only death around you, we’ll be there with that Shallow Grave. Stand up, y’all. Dota ain’t dead, and neither are we. The Dota Pro Circuit is showing signs of life as it announces some crucial changes for next season, recalibration is upon us and is only a little bit (read- incredibly) late, and even Steam is rising from its grave with a rework of its chat client. Plus, on Jacky’s Chow: gamey-ness, and how to make it work for you.
We’re on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher! You can subscribe on those, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. Tell your Dota friends about us, help spread the word! Make sure to vote on the Rhythms of Riftshadow Ruins in the Steam Workshop! The official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow if you have any questions or comments. Email your questions to bottlecrowreborn@gmail.com! See again next week!