This week, we’re all INFECTED… with excitement over this week’s Main Match, the Zombie Game. Allen and Six eagerly tackle perhaps the best episode of The Genius so far, full of scheming, betrayal (“IT’S WATER!”), and tragedy. The Best Boy and the Best Girl join forces. Changyeop is absolutely terrified. No one can read Poong’s notes, least of all Poong. Who are the real zombies? Tune in, dear listeners, and see for yourselves….
If you want to find Allen on Twitter, they’re at @allenibrahim. Six is @sixdettmar. We’ll happily take any questions or feedback, if you’re so inclined. We’re on iTunes now, too, so check us out there!
The Challenge (Gundam Versus) 0:00
The Intro 6:11
The Main Match (Zombie Game) 7:52
The Homework (Hacknet) 42:02
The Death Match (Tactical Yutnori) 48:03