The year is dead. We will not mourn it. No, friends, celebrate 2017. Celebrate its life, for all its joys and… hang on please. Hang on. I’m… getting reports 2017 was trash? Shit year? Ded gaem? Hmm. Well. Regardless, there were some interesting events in 2017’s Dota, from the pro scene to the patches, and the way we’ve evolved as players. Let’s talk about it.
P.S.: We totally forgot Kaya and Spirit Vessel when we were shit talking the new items. I blame Nick, because he did that part of the notes. Those items are pretty good.
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The Garnet Wager is about to start its third season of The Genius! Are you prepared? Well, you’ll be better ready once you’ve heard our three part feature on the
While we have catagories for entire games and shows, it’s important to hightlight the moments too. Sometimes the entire work isn’t a winner, but that’s what can make a moment
We are OFFICIALLY over Kongming and Xuande. We sadly have to say goodbye to Zhou Yu, and even more sadly don’t have to say goodbye to Sun Quan. Sick archery