You know, in looking for sound clips for this week’s intro, I found out that Kratos spends less time angrily screaming the name of his enemies than I thought. He actually does a lot of stiff, really-pissed-but-handling-it normal talking, which I did NOT remember. Whatever, it’s still a travesty how utterly every God of War game since the first has misunderstood what that character was supposed to be. After bemoaning the bad direction he was taken in, we shift our focus to Marcus and Wrench of Watch_Dogs 2’s DedSec, and the surprisingly grounded friendship at the heart of that game’s charm.
Have a relationship we absolutely need to discuss? Hit us up on Twitter! Jen is @jbu3, Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, and the Scanline Media official account is @ScanlineMedia. We’re going to post episodes every Wednesday going forward! See you next week!