A horse is a horse; of course, of course. And no one can talk to a horse, of course. Except, of course, if the name of the horse is Wander’s noble steed Agro. Throughout Shadow of the Colossus, Agro is without friends or allies, set on a seemingly impossible task, and his only friend is a mare named Agro. That relationship keeps the game together. Compare that to Fire Emblem Fates, which is narratively unmade in part from its pursuit of the “offspring” hook that made Awakening so popular. Ties that bind, and those that destroy. We’ve got both this week.
Have a relationship we absolutely need to discuss? Hit us up on Twitter! Jen is @jbu3, Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, and the Scanline Media official account is @ScanlineMedia. We’re going to post episodes every Wednesday going forward! See you next week!