I thought about making that “Miles & Dick” instead of “Edgeworth & Gumshoe.” Then I was like “I should REALLY avoid putting ‘Dick’ in the title of an episode. Is he a Richard?” And then I realized even if he was no one calls him that so then no one would know what I was talking about. (And for the record, it turns out he isn’t. He’s just “Dick.”)
Anyway. On this episode of Friend Request, we’re discussing Evie and Jacob Frye from Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate’s old London, and then we pop over to an alternate future’s Japan (or America because of some strange choices in localization) to check on Miles Edgeworth and Dick Gumshoe. Enjoy!
Have a relationship we absolutely need to discuss? Hit us up on Twitter! Jen is @jbu3, Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, and the Scanline Media official account is @ScanlineMedia. We’re going to post episodes every Wednesday going forward! See you next week!