You’re not the boss of me! …Sorry, that’s what I’ve got. This week, we’re diving into… METAL GEAR?! John “Naked Snake” and his mentor The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3 have a real complicated relationship, with it being teacher/student, lovers, and also mortal enemies? And stuff? A lot there. But maybe not as much as Big Boss and Kazuhira Miller from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker and MGSV! A friendship gone sour, that one. Guys, never treat your friends like that. That’s our humble request.
Come on, it was RIGHT THERE.
Have a relationship we absolutely need to discuss? Hit us up on Twitter! Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, Jen is @jbu3. We’re going to post episodes every Wednesday going forward, and we’ll work on getting this on iTunes and Google Play! See you next week!