So maybe I freak out a little too much about how crazy this MMR distribution data is, but… like, can you blame me? It’s really somethin’ else. The Immortal 3s are out, and we have Thoughts about Dota Fashion. (Gold is still terrible.) Blitz delivered some incredible knowledge to Day9, and by proxy the rest of the community, about how we should be thinking of mid, and I’m still shaking in my boots. Ags of the Week returns, and the deer lady gets her time in the sun. Yes, we know she’s already got one.
We’re on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher! You can subscribe on those, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. Tell your Dota friends about us, help spread the word! You can find Colin on Twitter at @SixTwoSixFour, and the official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow. Email your questions to bottlecrowreborn@gmail.com or colin@bottlecrow.com! See again in two weeks!