Why should a simian monarch’s roaming capabilities divide us so? We all play Dota. We all Blink via Dagger, not a one of us can pronounce “salve” correctly. We have so much in common! Don’t let Monkey King divide you, friends. Come together, as one. Ward and farm and frolic. Shady lanes and sunny glades await. Unless you pick Jingu Mastery first, because then you won’t be mobile enough to reach them, NOOB REPORT
We’re on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud, and Stitcher! You can subscribe on those, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. Tell your Dota friends about us, help spread the word! You can find Colin on Twitter at @SixTwoSixFour, and the official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow. Email your questions to bottlecrowreborn@gmail.com! See again in two weeks!