What were the Ancients called when they were first born? Were they called Ancients then, as well, but the word meant nothing? Did they perhaps come to define the word? Personally, I like to imagine they had other names. Maybe they were just Dire and Radiant. Or maybe they were like Michelle and Angela. In this special guest episode of Bottle Crow, friend Ethan joins us for a test of his patience and tolerance. How long can he endure Dota lore, hat chat, and Colin and Johnny’s careless antics? Well, spoilers: he manages to not ditch mid-episode. Somehow.
We’re on iTunes! You can subscribe there, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. You can find Johnny on Twitter at @JohnnyWarpzone, Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, and the official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow. Email your questions to bottlecrowpodcast@gmail.com! See again in two weeks!