Such an innocent time it was when Dota 2 was first in beta, and the writers figured no one cared about the lore they were writing. In the second episode of Bottle Crow we explore lore, balance, mechanics, the pro scene, and momentum-halting Metal Gear Solid 3 references. As you sit and wait for patch 6.84 to hit, while you marvel that they haven’t nerfed Sniper yet, let Bottle Crow fill the empty time. Well, some of it. It’s gonna be a while.
We’re on iTunes! You can subscribe there, and leave a review if you like! That would really help us out. You can find Johnny on Twitter at @JohnnyWarpzone, Colin is @SixTwoSixFour, and the official Bottle Crow twitter is @BottleCrow. You can email questions or comments to bottlecrowpodcast@gmail.com! See again in two weeks!